Support Swap Meet Seller and Their Family’s. Relocate Street Vendors Now!

A Message From Management on behalf of the Swap Meet Sellers:

Many LACC Swap Meet Vendors, Residents, Customers and Local Businesses have expressed concern with the street vendors that set up during the Swap Meet on Monroe and Marathon between Vermont and Madison, Vermont between Monroe and Marathon and Madison between Monroe and Marathon.

In the more than 25 years prior to the pandemic, never would you see a street vendor on Monroe or Marathon nor on Vermont between Monroe and Marathon. The swap meet vendors are absolutely being affected by the street vendors surrounding the swap meet. Many can no longer afford to stay in a market they have been selling at for decades and these “so-called” advocates for the street vendors would like you to believe that we (the owners who were tasked with saving the swap meet from indefinitely shutting down) are the ones to blame. Talk of gentrification and harassment are baseless. We have the same vendors that have been there for decades. What we are guilty of is establishing safety protocols and street vendors do not like to follow rules so the “choose” to remain outside our gates benefiting from the traffic we bring to the swap meet. Currently the street vendors surrounding the swap meet are violating more than 10 City ordinances!

Below is a petition created by one of our LACC Swap Meet Vendors and will be emailed directly to the City Of Los Angeles demanding they support the Vendors inside the Swap Meet.

If you want things to return to how they were before the pandemic, sign the petition today!

Immediate Relocation of Street Vendors surrounding LACC Swap Meet.

Dear Councilman Hugo Soto-Martinez

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153 signatures

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