Important! New Annual Booth License Auction starts today!

brown wooden tool on white surface


As many of you have heard, our rent here is increasing to what the previous company was paying. For more than a year we have not had weekly auctions nor have we auctioned off booth spaces to help during a rough time for us all. But with attendance at over 6000 people per weekend, we have no option other than to implement some changes to pay for the increased rent.

The LACC Swap Meet helps raise over $500,000 for the LACC Foundation each year. These funds help over 17,000 students and pay for vital resources to maintain these programs.

Starting today, we opened the ANNUAL BOOTH LICENSE AUCTION. This annual auction is for those who want to secure the same booth every time they participate. It is NOT mandatory, but without an Annual Booth License, you will risk having other vendors bid for your booth in the WEEKLY BOOTH AUCTION. (More on that in a minute).

Every Booth will be included to be fair. Annual Booth Licenses have an opening BID of $550 per year per booth per Saturday or Sunday. This equals less than what our Monthly Booth Licenses cost over 12 months. If no one bids against you, you will save $50 per year with this Auction.

The Annual Booth License Auction is live online and will end on Aug 25th at 7 PM. You can bid now by logging into LACCSWAP.COM and under VENDOR INFORMATION, drop down to BOOTH LICENSE AUCTION.

Bidding is done online. If you place a bid for a booth and then someone bids against you, an email will be sent to you so you can increase your bid. It works like eBay. You can also check the status of your Auctions by visiting your Profile Page and then clicking on My Auctions.

If you are the winner of the Annual Booth License Auction, you will never have anyone bid against you for your booth(s) until we do it all again in 1 year! You will only have to pay the Booth Fee at the current rate. Currently, it is only $65. If you choose not to participate in the Annual Booth License Auction, you will have to use the new Weekly Booth Auction, which begins September 1st, 2022. The Auction will start on Monday, August 29th, 2022. All Booth Licenses currently owned will not be valid starting September 1st. If you purchased a 6- or 12 Month Booth License and still have time remaining, you will have the option of a refund for the prorated amount or apply it as credit, but you will not lose your money.

WEEKLY BOOTH AUCTIONS:  This will replace the booking platform we have currently. Every Monday, a new Auction will start. You can bid on spaces starting at $65. If no one bids against you, you win. Bidding will close each week at 1 PM on Friday for that upcoming weekend. You will be able to pay by Credit Card or Cash. If it is Cash, you will have until 5 PM on Friday to bring your payment to our office at 4133 Marathon Street. If payment is not complete by 5 PM on Friday, the space will be offered to the next highest bidder.

This should not be unfamiliar for those of you who have been around during the days of Newport. We are simply updating the process.

Thank you for being part of the NEW LACC Swap Meet! Good Luck Bidding.

Phillip Dane & The Staff at LACC Swap Meet.

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