Vendor Update Important Aug 12


After this past weekend and seeing how things have been tolerated, I am updating the Rules and Regulations and the Load-In Directions. It is very important that all vendors must follow our rules, regulations and load-in instructions. Failure to obey these will result in losing your booth without refunds.We have to be strict because it seems that some, not all, feel they do not have to play by our rules.

The past weekend was a rough one as we understand that you may be concerned, frustrated and scared of losing a market that has been around for over 20 years. We are doing our best but at the end of the day, we are the Management and it is our swap meet to run as we see fit so that we increase the number of customers, increase the number of vendors and grow this into the best swap meet in town. This can’t happen without vendors obeying our rules.Here are some important ones that we feel some may break and I want all to know we will not give second chances.

NO TRASH! You come to a clean space. You leave the space clean and take your trash. Our dumpsters are NOT for your trash. We have installed cameras and will see if you use our Cans or Dumpsters. We have staff now around the streets and they will also be watching that no one dumps trash in the immediate area of LACC.

SPACE ASSIGNMENTS: We have the right to relocate you if we have to. This is not up for debate. Too many vendors have said certain spaces are theirs and we have no way to know who is telling the truth. If you want to secure a permanent space(s), you will have to prepay for 1 month in advance by the 15th of each proceeding month. For example, if you want Booth B7 for September, you need to buy B7 for the entire month by August 15th.

BIDDING & RATES: We are reviewing how things were done in the past. There is a reason for the bidding. $50 a booth is extremely low and lower than what was charged by the previous company. We can either increase the booth rental or we can resume bidding. Nothing is changing during August. We may not do anything until October. We will keep you posted.

ILLEGAL STREET VENDORS: Starting this weekend in conjunction with the LA Sheriff’s Dept and LACC, the school will be power washing and sweeping the sidewalks on both Saturday and Sunday starting at 7AM and will continue until our streets are cleared of street vendors. This will continue every weekend until they realize it will not be tolerated. 

Rules and Regulations Load-In

8 thoughts on “Vendor Update Important Aug 12

  1. Maria says:

    No entiendo como se están tomando el tienpo de averiguar los precios anteriores y no pueden tomar el el tienpo de cuantos vencedores tienen años vendiendo el swapmeet

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:

      Tenemos todo el derecho a saber lo que estaba pagando. Es un negocio. No estoy seguro de lo que quiere decir con esto, pero estamos trabajando duro para mantener contentos a todos, pero claramente no está funcionando. ¿Sería mejor dejar que el intercambio se cierre y vuelva a abrir como algo diferente?

      • Carlos Benavides/ Iris Benavides Campos says:

        Con todo mi respeto le hago saber que cómo nueva administración uds tienen todo el derecho de hacer las cosas a la manera adecuada, sin querer faltar al respecto quiero decirles que no es justo que por dos revoltosos vayamos a pagar las consecuencias todos, yo como vendedor de casi 26 años se quienes son los que dicen ser dueños de espacios y no lo son,
        Aparte quiero agradecer por ese esfuerzo de querer mover los vendedores ilegales de la calle, es algo que la administración anterior poco le importó, ellos se enfocaron el el bienestar de ellos y no de nosotros los vendedores que pagamos por obtener un espacio,

        • Phillip Dane
          Phillip Dane says:

          No estamos tratando de hacer sufrir a nadie por los pocos que causan problemas. Solo estamos estableciendo las reglas básicas para que no haya errores. Aquellos que juegan limpio no tendrán nada de qué preocuparse y aquellos que elijan no hacerlo, pueden encontrar otro encuentro de intercambio. Realmente es su elección. Hemos demostrado que podemos mantenerlo abierto. Mantuvimos los mismos camiones de comida y estamos tratando de sortear las constantes disputas de un puñado de vendedores. Queremos que todos se diviertan, ganen dinero y se respeten unos a otros. Es realmente simple. Gracias por el comentario y esperamos hacer que el intercambio sea mejor en los próximos años.

  2. Carlos Benavides/ Iris Benavides Campos says:

    Con todo respeto quiero darle las gracias por todo el esfuerzo y empeño que están poniendo en mantener el swap meet abierto, se entiende bien que muchos no están de acuerdo con las reglas porque la administración anterior les permitía hacer de sus antojos, obviously wasn’t free a lot of vendors pay extra money under the table, to be able to leave cart board boxes full of trash
    I’m glad you guys are trying to do your best!

  3. Cynthia Salazar
    Cynthia Salazar says:

    I’m so happy there will be rules now. Hopefully now nobody will try to keep giving us attitude only because we are new vendors. Just hope when we leave out space clean at the end of the day others won’t dump their trash just to get us in trouble because many old vendors don’t like us because we are new. But we all have The right to sell if we can. Hope it all works out!

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