Trash Fines and Auction Information


As many of you already know, The LACC Swap Meet was going to come to an abrupt end a couple weeks ago leaving you with no where to sell and ending a 25 year tradition but with only 8 days to pull this off, we kept the swap meet open and you still have a place to sell each weekend. It took a lot of work and we did it. We are not looking to make major changes, we have worked hard to honor existing booths assignments and to do all we can to make you feel secure. I feel we have done our part. Now, we require the same respect for our rules and policies from all vendors no matter if you are new or been selling for 20+ years. Change can be tough but we are trying our best to be understanding and for the most part, everyone has been very kind and supportive. There are some that are not and I have been very straight forward as to the consequences of breaking our policies and now we are going to act on these. We can’t make things better if we are dealing with disruptive vendors.

I hate to even have to write this post but we have given everyone enough time to settle into our being the new owners. And again, most of the vendors are following the rules and we appreciate that very much.

Sadly, there are some vendors that do not take us seriously when we say don’t leave your trash behind. And other vendors that claim rights to specific booths which were done through the old company not through us. We have many vendors telling us the booth is theirs and we have no way of knowing who is telling us the truth. It’s taking far too much of our time to sort through who is being honest and who is trying to steal a spot.

My intention is to be fair and build this swap meet into something bigger than it has ever been in the past. We are planning on running TV commercials, bringing in sponsors and adding elements that we feel will enhance the swap meet. As you know we’ve already eliminated the $1 admission fee we’re working with the city and local officials to have the street vendors removed and that’s going to happen. We are not opposed the street vending but it is illegal to be within 500 feet of the swap and it hurts everyone who is paying to be there. This is not acceptable.

This past weekend, we completed our 2nd weekend as the new owners of the LACC Swap Meet. My team has been doing an amazing job of creating an environment that we hope you all enjoy. Alexandra is on vacation for the next two weekends so I brought on Tupac who will be managing the next 2 weeks along with Justin.


The first issue is the trash. We are not your dumpster and if you leave trash behind we will catch you and starting today there is a $50 penalty that will need to be paid before we allow you back in. We know who is leaving this trash and this is the last warning. What you come with you leave with it’s that simple. Our Staff does not have the time or space required to keep up with the trash being left behind during breakdown. Please help us to be good neighbors so that we can keep the Swap Meet going. Thanks for your cooperation in keeping this venue clean so we can remain open in the future.


It’s auction time. We are now assigning booths through an Annual Auction Online. It has been far too time consuming trying to sort who has which booth(s) so we are going back to the auction system. You will have until September 6th at 9PM to place your bids online for the booth(s) you want to secure for the year. Bidding starts at $100. You can Buy It Now for $5000 annually. 25% is due at the close of the auction. The balance is due within 24 hrs of the close of the auction is the amount is under $1001. If the winning bid is $1001 or more, you can pay the amount over 10 monthly installments. In addition, you will be responsible for your weekly booking fees.

We are not raising the booth fees. And we are not charging an admission.

You can place your bid here

You can check your Auctions on your profile page or when logged in there is a Link on the top of the page My Auctions.

In closing, please do the right thing. If you see someone leaving trash, tell us confidentially. It’s your swap meet too. Because if this continues, we will have to bring in additional dumpsters and raise the booth fees. We are trying to keep the rates low and build the swap meet into a bigger and better place to sell. We can only do this if everyone does their part.

Thanks for your time and we hope you can continue on with the New LACC Swap Meet.


Phillip D.

PS… please do not call until we have an office person in place who speaks Spanish. You can respond email email in Spanish to and I will respond or use the Contact Us form here on the website. Thanks!

10 thoughts on “Trash Fines and Auction Information

  1. Yolanda arguelles says:

    The question is ;
    All ‘”original” vendors ,we been selling and bought our space ,we have to bid (pay)
    the space again?.
    Or will bid the all new vendors only.??.

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:

      I am sorry but that was 20+ years ago and to another company. We are starting our bidding at $100 per booth for the annual license. A License is good for 1 year. It’s the only way to keep things fair for all vendors. I am not sure how being there for 20 years has anything to do with us? I hope you are here for as long as you want but we have to do things this way as too many vendors are claiming they have certain booths and we have no idea who is telling the truth and who is not. It’s simple, bids start at $100 and the winner gets the rights to that booth for the year.

  2. Roy Barrera says:

    Hola, tengo una pregunta , qué pasa con las personas que vamos semana por semana con los espacios , porque ay personas que no tienen el dinero dependiendo de lo que se vendan los espacios ? Ay personas que podemos pagarlos por un mes pero no todo el año .

  3. Ivan Manzano Eugenio says:

    Hello I have a question about the weekly booking fees. Will the price stay at $50 per day for the year we lease the booths? Or will prices likely go up?

  4. Maria willeda says:

    Hi. My name is Maria Villeda. I want to know if they 5000 is too buy the booth. So besides the 5000 I still have to play every week. My booth is I 1. Left me know. Thanks.

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