We are thrilled to introduce our new Booth License Program, allowing you to reserve your favorite booths in advance, ensuring no one else can take them. With a Booth License, you can skip certain dates without losing your reserved booth(s). Whether you’re planning a trip or feeling unwell, you can rest assured that your booth(s) […]
Category Archives: Vendors
A Message From Management on behalf of the Swap Meet Sellers: Many LACC Swap Meet Vendors, Residents, Customers and Local Businesses have expressed concern with the street vendors that set up during the Swap Meet on Monroe and Marathon between Vermont and Madison, Vermont between Monroe and Marathon and Madison between Monroe and Marathon. In […]
It’s Back! If you are looking for a permanent booth, a Booth License is for you. Today we went live with a new auction for all booths not currently licensed to other vendors. This is a 1-day auction and will end tomorrow, December 16th, at 7 PM. These are Annual Booth Licenses. With a booth […]
Hello, Los Angeles Fire Department requires that we change how we load in vendors on Saturday and Sunday. Beginning this coming weekend (December 10-11), No Parking Signs will be posted on Monroe and Marathon Street (500 feet off Vermont toward Madison) to allow our vendors to line up in the morning. Any vendor wanting to […]
No Tents are to be set up before 7:15 AM No Cooking under tents. All Food Booths and/or any Vendor with a generator MUST have a Fire Extinguisher at their booth. All Vendors MUST remain within their booth space. You are NOT permitted to go out further than your space. No vehicles are permitted to […]
Hello, I want all vendors to understand that filing a Dispute with your bank violates our terms and conditions for participating at LACC Swap Meet. If there is a concern or overcharge due to the system error, contact us, and we will fix it within 24 hours. If you contact your credit card or bank […]
Hello, As many of you know, we are going to run an Annual Booth License Auction each month for only the booths that do NOT have a current License. Last month we ran the first auction and many of the booths were bid on. We are now running these auctions every month for all NON […]
Hello, Helpers at LACC Swap Policy It’s unfortunate that more than just a few vendors have caused us to now get strict on vendor helpers allowed in for no charge. Effective immediately, when you arrive, you will be handed one wristband per booth owner and one additional band for a helper. If you have two […]
Hello! As promised, we have made it through the first Auction for Annual Booth Licenses, so I have added all the dates through December for you to book. If you have an ANNUAL BOOTH LICENSE, you have until every Friday at 7 PM to pay for the booth for that upcoming weekend. At 7:15 PM […]