Annual Auction Ends Tomorrow. Soft Close Explained


As you know, tomorrow at 7 PM the Annual Booth License will end. If you want us to block your booth for you each week up until Friday at 7 PM, you must obtain a Booth License. If you do not have one, you can still book the swap meet but will have to book whatever spaces are available each week. Booth Licenses are NOT mandatory to book at LACC Swap.

To prevent SNIPING, we will be doing a SOFT CLOSE.

Sniping is when a person waits until the last seconds and places a bid to win either manually or with sniping software. It’s considered unfair, and we do not allow it. Our auction is a Soft Close auction, meaning if a bid is placed within the last 20 minutes, the auction will extend for an additional 10 minutes allowing the outbid person to bid again, and this will continue until the last bid is placed. All bidders must be ready to bid again if they are outbid, as they will only have a 10-minute window to place a bid within the last 20 minutes of the auction.

For example, Bidder #1 is winning the auction for the booth, but at 6:59 PM, another bidder attempts to outbid the first bidder leaving only seconds until the 7 PM deadline. Our system will automatically extend this auction for 10 mins allowing the first bidder to place a higher bid, and this will continue until one of the bidders decides to stop bidding. It’s the fairest way to run an auction and how we will run ours.

Good luck to all of you who are bidding for space!

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