No More Trash!


I am sad to say that the trash situation has become intolerable again. Starting immediately, if we find trash left in your booth you will be not be allowed back in for 30 days plus have to pay a $100 fine. I have been very patient but we are not your clean up service. You MUST clean your space when you leave. I will not accept excuses such as, “it was someone else who did it either.” Enough is enough, seriously.

Our staff is mostly made up of students trying to make a living while going to school and they are not the swap meets trash collectors. There is no excuse for what we experienced today. If you are incapable of being mindful of the swap meet policies then you will not be allowed to come back after the first offense. It is sad that I have to right this post today as I have been warning everyone about this for the past 3 months. We worked very hard to keep the swap meet open so you all have a place to sell at and do not feel it is too much to insist you take your trash with you. We give you a clean lot to sell at and you need to give it back to us the same way. $50 a booth doesn’t even come close to covering the expenses so please take this seriously as we do not want to ban any more vendors than we have already. We want this to be a respectful deal for everyone and right now we feel very disrespected by those who think nothing of leaving their trash for us to clean up. That stops today.

There will be no further warnings. 30 suspension and $100 fine. It’s really simple, leave your space clean and all will be good.

For those who are respectful and leave your booths clean, we thank you sincerely.

Let’s put an end to these emails by following our rules. Thank you!

Phillip Dane

2 thoughts on “No More Trash!

  1. Rene says:

    ‘Don’t give candy to a child if don’t want the child to eat it’
    Simple solution to your trash problem I seen this happen very often, trashcan was picked up around 5:30 today by this time not only the trashcan was extremely full but there was trash all around the trashcan if you remove the trashcan when Swatmeet closes you are forcing the people to take their trash subconsciously.

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:

      Rene, perhaps that would help but honestly we are not children. This is a business and vendors are adults. There was trash left in booths and around the cans. The solution is “do the right thing” or the resulting infraction will be we ban the vendor from returning. We can replace vendors who feel they have a right to use the lot as their trash can. We have done it with a few already but that is not our intention. I want everyone to leave with their trash and not leave it for us. I am doing my best to keep this swap meet open and grow it. Either everyone gets onboard or those who do not comply can go to any number of other swap meets but I promise they will not tolerate this as well. Thanks for your comment. Have a great week.

      P.S. And we will try your suggestion as well 🙂

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