No License = No Assigned Booth

Get your Booth License today if you have not already. If you don’t, you will have claim to assigned booths starting in October.

This is not a booking fee. This is the only way to secure your permanent booth(s) and without one those booths you are demanding will no longer be set aside for you.

We are about 2 weeks away from having no more street vendors on Marathon, Monroe and Vermont! I strongly recommend not waiting until it’s too late and someone else grabs your booth(s).

Licenses are $75 monthly or if you pay every 6 months or annually, you can save 10-15%. Starting in October, anyone without a License will not have a right to claim a booth if someone else grabs it. This is the most reasonable alternative to an auction that could have potentially prohibited some of you from winning your booth.

Booth fees will remain at $50 each.

If you have a License then no one can take your booth from you so long as the License is current and the booth fees are being paid.

If you need assistance, call Tupac at 323-423-3476 or email him at


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