Important Update
The Los Angeles Fire Department inspected us at LACC Swap Meet this past weekend, and here are some rules that can not be broken.
- No Tents are to be set up before 7:15 AM
- No Cooking under tents.
- All Food Booths and/or any Vendor with a generator MUST have a Fire Extinguisher at their booth.
- All Vendors MUST remain within their booth space. You are NOT permitted to go out further than your space.
- No vehicles are permitted to move at the end of the day without permission from our staff.
These are the regulations of the Los Angeles Fire Department. They will be out again this weekend, and anyone they find in violation will not be permitted to return and may be subject to a fine.
Vendors are not to use our trash cans or dumpster for their trash; all trash must be removed at the end of the day. Leave your selling area clear of trash. Staff will be documenting any space that is left with trash. Don’t lose your right to sell at LACC Swap because you don’t clean up after yourselves or for violating a policy.