Now Booking January. License fee reduced to $50.


As many of you know we were asked to keep the swap meet open when Newport Diversified walked away from the swap meet. We offered free admission for the first 3 months and we reduced the booth fees by roughly 60% and eliminated the bidding and auction in an effort to help during the pandemic. We now have over 6000 people attending the swap meet each weekend!

Beginning in January, the new rates for the booth space is $65.

Beginning in January we are lowering the Booth License monthly fees from $75 per booth to $50 per month.

I added January Dates today. You can now book through January. I will add February and March by tomorrow evening.

We know it is never good news when there is rate increase but we do hope you can understand that we still far less than other swap meets and certainly less than what the old management was charging.

Thank you!

3 thoughts on “Now Booking January. License fee reduced to $50.

  1. Alejandro Gaspar says:

    Me pare c e justo solo que elemine la reserva con o la licencia del mes yo compro 3 espacios el sábado y pagar 150 extras cada mes es mucho para mi grasias

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:

      Hola, Reduje la tarifa de la licencia y solo subí el stand en $ 15. Es mucho menos de lo que todos pagaban antes de que nos hiciéramos cargo. Si cancela la licencia, corre el riesgo de perder las cabinas y tendrá que ocupar los espacios disponibles. Era aumentar la tarifa a $ 65 o arriesgarse a cerrar definitivamente la reunión de intercambio. No podemos operar a menos que sea rentable. Es por eso que la última empresa se fue después de más de 20 años.

  2. Carlos says:

    Yo pienso que $10 hubiera sido algo razonable, yo pago 2 espacios sábado y 2 el domingo,
    No estoy en desacuerdo con el aumento, porque en parte también sea reducido el precio de la licencia, lo cual hace una equivalencia al pago por Casillas,
    Solo queda pedirle a Dios que esos 6,000 visitantes vengan siempre a comprarnos algo porque si no el negocio no va a dar para seguir pagando 2 casillas,

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