The time for action is now! We are planning a visit to City Hall to demand that the City of Los Angeles enforce the recently signed settlement (July 16th 2024) with Street Vendor Advocacy Groups—an agreement supported by Councilman Hugo Soto-Martinez—which explicitly states that NO street vendors will be permitted to sell within “The Immediate Vicinity” of a Swap Meet, Flea Market, or Farmers Market.
This agreement was put in place to protect legally operating markets like ours, yet the City has failed to enforce it. The lack of enforcement has had serious negative effects on:
✅ Residents – Increased congestion, litter, and unregulated vending disrupting the community.
✅ Swap Meet Vendors – Loss of customers to illegal street vendors operating without permits, insurance, or oversight.
✅ LACC Foundation – A significant decline in vendor contributions, directly impacting the 17,000 students that the Foundation supports.
We Demand Immediate Enforcement!
This is about fairness, accountability, and the integrity of legally operating businesses. If the City allows this agreement to be ignored, it sets a dangerous precedent that harms small businesses and the community as a whole.
Join Us in Taking a Stand
We are organizing a visit to City Hall, and we need your support! If you agree that the City must enforce the stipulation NOW, sign up to join our group.
📅 The actual date of our visit will be announced next week.
💪 Sign up if you will join us. We will contact you with details including date and time.
Let’s show City Hall that we won’t back down until they do their job and enforce the law!