Welcome to the NEW LACC Swap Meet


My name is Phillip and I am happy to welcome you back to the LACC Swap Meet. We have been producing events in Los Angeles for over 32 years and proud to be the new owners of the LACC Swap Meet. It was more important to remain open than to have everything perfect so we appreciate your being patient and understanding.

We will have some changes which many of you are aware of including we require all vendors to be registered on our website first. Next is all bookings are done online as we will not be collecting for booths the day of the swap meet so it’s important to Register (laccswap.com/register) now if you have not already.

Once registered, you can log in and book the dates and spots online. You can select your booths from the map as well.

Protecting your booth. This is the number one question I get from Vendors. We will do everything we can to make sure you remain in the booth space you are used to. I can tell you that I see some double bookings of booths which we will resolve with you before this Saturday.

For the immediate future, all spaces are a set fee of $50. No bidding. No hidden fees. We will announce changes to this but they will be fair.

We are not charging admission to get in. Admission and Parking is free until further notice.

If you are able to assist other vendors who are not comfortable with computers, please do but every vendor must be registered prior to being allowed to enter.

We will put a phone number up as soon as we complete staffing for the swap meet. Tomorrow, you will be able to submit a form with questions, concerns or to simply say hello.

That’s it for now. We hope to make some positive changes that will benefit you, us and the LACC Foundation.

See you soon!

Phillip D.


27 thoughts on “Welcome to the NEW LACC Swap Meet

  1. says:

    Me encantaría que así como hemos trabajado anteriormente siga igual y saber si ala misma hora vamos a ingresar porque anteriormente entrábamos alas 7 de la mañana para poder armar nuestros espacios

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:

      Haremos todo lo posible para que la carga sea lo más sencilla y fácil posible. Habrá que ver cómo se han hecho las cosas hasta ahora para poder hacer ajustes. Todos estamos a favor de simplificar las cosas y crear un lugar divertido para vender.

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:

      We are going through the bookings and are trying to keep everyone inn their normal booths but this will take your help and cooperation from all vendors. We will get it all squared away but this may take a week to get everyone set up. The most important thing is to remain open.

  2. Carlos says:

    Hello my name is Carlos Benavides and I’ve been selling at the swap meet for 21 years,
    Last weekend everyone was exited because swap meet will keep doors open,
    The only thing that everyone was discussing was the price of booth and bidding is not not a good idea, because that way highest bidder keep the booth and we might lose ours spaces,

  3. Adan Eduardo lopez says:

    Que bien pues me alegra mucho que sigamos asiendo la presencia acostumbrada al suwtmit pues muchos dependemos de este medio para saldar nuestros gastos de vida mil grasias

  4. Mohamed Reda
    Mohamed Reda says:

    Hello new owners!
    We would appreciate to be protected from people trying to book our spaces. I have been in spaces D1 and E1 for 20 years and would like instructions about keeping us in our spaces. Please reach out to me Mohamed Reda at 323-570-8102.

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:


      As I have stated, we will protect your space but you must register as directed in the post and book your space online. If your space is taken then book the next closest one and I can adjust the booths on the backend. But you must book and pay online. Hopefully your space is available when you book but not worry if someone else grabbed it as I can move them. We just ask for patience in getting things all set up as it was our top priority to simply remain open. Look forward to meeting you. – Phillip

  5. Glib835 says:

    Hello welcome and we do kindly appreciate a the new chance to remain open .
    However I don’t own a space for Sunday if I were to purchase one I would dislike for the previous owner to come angry at me and be mad cause I took there space.
    Any idea how this will be handle .

  6. Luis Corona says:

    Hola! My name is Luis Corona I have been selling in Lacc swapmeet since 15 years ago my spots are C-11 for Saturdays and A-1 for Sundays I’m worry to keep the same spots for the future howfully we can work together to fine the best solution for everyone. My other concern is obout the parking for the big trucks because are so hights to get in to the parking lot building the before administration they rent the school on Maraton st. And we parked big trucks there.
    Than you Phillipe Dane for your consideration.

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:

      Hola Luis.
      I thought we went over this one already with Ivonne? Your booths will remain your booths. We will go over this in more detail in the coming weeks but for now the number one priority is to keep the swap meet open and that is what we are focused on.

      As for the large trucks, that we can not address for this weekend. I am not sure what school you are referring to. Do you mean the Braille Institute where you stage to load in? Feel free to email me directly at phillip@laccswap.com. Thanks!

  7. Oswaldo Ajanel says:

    This is Oswaldo Ajanel, using this under my son’s account. Just wanted to verify for this saturday. I have had B1 & C1 for 10 years, and I want to continue to hold onto these spots. Please contact me at 323-573-3533 to further clarify what the situation will look like going forward, Preferably in Spanish. Thank you!

    • Phillip Dane
      Phillip Dane says:


      ¿Eso fue para el sábado, domingo o ambos días?

      Parece que los tiene para todas las fechas, excepto el 22 de agosto. ¿Puedes comprobarlo por favor? Te reservé B1 yc C1 para el 22 de agosto, por lo que serás el único que puede reservarlos 🙂

  8. Arturo lopez says:

    Disculpa tengo 16 años en mi mismo espasio y lo kisiera conservar el savado L5 L6 y domingo es L8 L9 mi correo es EMAIL arturolopez7323@gmail. Com grasias por su comprensión

  9. Carlos Benavides
    Carlos Benavides says:

    Hello my name is Carlos Benavides and I’ve been selling at the swap meet for 21 years,
    Last weekend everyone was exited because swap meet will keep doors open,
    The only thing that everyone was discussing was the price of booth and bidding is not not a good idea, because that way highest bidder keep the booth and we might lose ours spaces,

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